


Machinery Alley

Eljay Junk Yard Roma Show Society

The Eljay Freestyle Entertainment show is an all-weather, action-packed motorcycle and bicycle stunt show delivered with a comical twist. It was founded in 1997 and was Australia’s first ever, full-time, transportable motorcycle & bicycle trials stunt show. It has since become one of the most respected and entertaining, stunt shows in Australia.

The Eljay Show is a fully self-contained act supplying everything necessary to wow crowds at any kind of event. The Eljay Show performances are based around a purpose-built, portable ramp structure that can be set up on just about any surface. It offers professional performances, all compared and choreographed to upbeat soundtracks with a good helping of Aussie humor. The Eljay Show can be performed in remarkably tight spaces but is just as comfortable in main arena scenarios. The Eljay Show supplies everything from trucks, ramps, and bikes to generators, sound gear, and of course, personality and professionalism.

The Eljay Show has appeared at many major events across Australia. It has also been featured at numerous country shows, 4WD and outdoor events, agricultural events, home shows, sporting events, school fetes, hot rod shows, bike shows & more.

The Eljay Show takes pride in supplying a highly skilled, professional, performance that continually amazes crowds with spectacular moves & gravity-defying trials bike action while keeping fans laughing and giggling with its character’s screwball antics.


Saturday 11th May 2024 ONLY @ 8:00pm

Fireworks Roma Show Society

Fireworks proudly supported by:-



Chief Steward

Mandy Watson, Lachlan Hall, Stephanie Sando
[email protected]

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